Blog Posts and Updates from Gojurn
The affordable guide to the Bay Area for when you don't have access to a car.
The details on where to get what you absolutely need for living life at Cal.
Don't miss out on the best stuff in Berkeley with this helpful collection.
Social and academic advice for new and continuing Berkeley students.
Looking to impress or just want a fun night out? Try this guide to Berkeley dating.
If you're hungry and on a budget then you'll find some useful spots on this list.
Whether you're looking for taste, value, or all of the above, you'll find it here.
These great parks are perfect for your next group event, picnic, or pick-up game.
Collected advice from former Cal students on the tips and tricks that worked for them.
Whether you're looking for taste, value, or all of the above, you'll find it here.
This Gojurn article is coming soon and will be available on October 17, 2016.
This Gojurn article is coming soon and will be available on October 24, 2016.
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