Gojurn is a first-of-its-kind to-do app that turns your community into your concierge. From restaurants to museums, Gojurn quickly collects awesome recommendations for you from locals with similar interests. You can also be inspired by what other users are asking about and provide your own valuable insights. At the heart of Gojurn is its powerful time-saving journal that helps you track, organize, and act on everything you discover through Gojurn so you can spend less time remembering and more time living your life.
Gojurn is a team of Bay Area locals looking to help as many people as possible connect with and experience their communities. Founded by Tim Wang, Matteo Marinucci, and Tyler Wishnoff, the Gojurn family continues to expand with the help of many other selfless individuals looking to make the world of recommendations a more personal and honest place. For more on Gojurn’s core team visit our about us page.
Gojurn is now available. You can download it here.
Gojurn is available on both Android and iOS.
Currently, Gojurn specializes in recommendations for places. More categories may be added in the future.
You should start seeing recommendations in less than 10 minutes. Most users see them much faster than that.
Gojurn’s recommendations are sourced from other Gojurn users. Gojurn uses a special matching algorithm that finds users that have similar interests and who have experience related to your question. We work hard to ensure that your recommendations are optimized just for you and not a one-size-fits-all recommendation that you’d find on other review sites and apps.
Gojurn learns about you based on how much you use the app. The more questions you ask, lists you check out, recommendations you save and complete, the better the recommendations it can collect for you and the faster it can do it as well.
Of course! Gojurn’s journal is optimized for saving recommendations for places like no other to-do list app out there. You can quickly make a list and add a new item just like you would with any to-do list app, but what makes Gojurn special is that we do all the extra work of collecting directions, details, and contact information related to the things you save for easy access.
If you feel safer using a different username you’re free to change it. However, Gojurn encourages you to use your real first name to foster a sense of community and honesty with other users of the app.
Gojurn is here for you day and night. If you encounter any problems with the app don’t hesitate to email Tyler@Gojurn.Com for support. You can also visit our feedback forum.